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Kansas Care Provider Training

Posted 9 months ago

This announcement has 1 attachment:

The Kansas Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics (KAAP) worked with Kansas Department of Children and Families to pass legislation that requires children, ages 0-5, that are suspected of being physically abused or neglected, to have their case file reviewed by a child-abuse pediatrician. If that pediatrician review determines that the child needs to be seen for an exam, DCF will work to have the child seen by someone in their community who has received specialty training. 

Now, the Kansas CARE Provider Network and KAAP are working to provide physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants across Kansas with specialty training on child abuse review examinations.

Once a provider has gone through the training (training is free, KAAP will also pay mileage/hotel and provide meals), they will be eligible to bill KDHE directly for their professional charges for $750. We currently have 33 CARE Providers across the state, and we would love to have more PAs join our network. 

Our next training will be held in Wichita in September.

Training Details:

Date: Sept. 17-18

Time: 8:30-4:30

Where: Children’s Advocacy Center, 1211 S Emporia Ave, Wichita, KS 67211


Registration Link:


If you have questions and want to know more about the CARE Program, please check out our website: